How to exploit opportunities in micro-moment marketing

Every moment brings a great opportunity for your business – and the average consumer, as we mentioned earlier, passes by them micro-moment marketing around 150 times a day.

Research shows that, on average, people spend a third of their time each day on their mobile devices – about 55% of that time is spent in short bursts of 30 seconds or less.

So how can your business leverage

These micro-moments in your integrated digital marketing strategy ?

The first step is to keep these key points in mind:

1) What are your leads looking for at that moment?
Google has identified the four predominant micro-moment marketing types of searches people conduct during their micro-moments:

When people want to know something :

They research a topic or look for a quick answer to a question;
When people want to go somewhere : they look for the best routes, whether by car or on foot, that guarantee ease and speed to their intended destination;

When they want to buy something :

They look for information that ensures indonesia telegram data they make the right decision about their purchases – whether personal or professional.
With all this information in hand, what will they do next?

If your business is a local ice cream shop, people micro-moment marketing searching for you are probably looking for your address. If your business is an entertainment portal, chances are your visitors are interested in having fun.

But if your business offers solutions, your

Visitors will certainly want to be able to brand trust: the importance of brand trust in marketing easily search for or purchase your products.

Understand what your leads and customers are looking for in their micro-moment interactions and deliver it to them!

Analyze the most searched topics for your company, products, or industry – these will be great topics to start with.

Likewise, Google Analytics and website

Tracking can provide you with great bfb directory insights into the behavior of your visitors on your website.

2) Imagine your buyer persona’s profession and news sources
When it comes to digital marketing, demographics such as age, location, and income are very important.

But focusing on a buyer persona ’s profession and

Where they typically go for information can micro-moment marketing reveal needs that arise daily, along with the context of those needs and values. The end result is micro-moments, opportunities to connect with these prospects in new ways.

3) Plan SEO, paid search and social based on questions your persona would ask
Keywords research for SEO and paid search are still important. But to reach customers, your integrated digital marketing team or agency needs to increasingly focus on long-tail keywords that reflect what consumers are asking during micro-moments.

These phrases serve to obtain information and content to

Make them understand how a product or service can help with their pain.

It is also essential to analyze how to refine keywords based on persona behavior.

When considering your customer’s consumer journey, keep in mind that omnichannel experiences are inevitable.

They start with mobile micro-moments, but where do they go next? Where do they complete the purchase? How does your business keep the conversation going? If you can anticipate these transitions, you’ll be better prepared to give your customers the seamless experiences they expect.

5) Invest in omnichannel analysis reports

Google Analytics reports can help your marketing team or agency plan strategy around your sales and communication channels.

Google Analytics’ “Audience” report, for example, lets you compare conversion performance across different audience segments. This helps you quickly determine which leads are performing best against an engagement metric.

This information can be used to refine a campaign message, increasing the likelihood that leads will download a white paper, watch a how-to video.


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