How to use trust triggers on a website or landing page to increase conversion and audience loyalty

Trust is one of the key factors influencing the purchase decision. Correct use of trust triggers on a website or landing page helps to positively influence the growth of conversion. r.uce the bounce rate. strengthen the brand reputation and increase the loyalty of your target audience. Let’s see what trust triggers for landing pages are in the arsenal of Internet marketers.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

The most popular trust trigger. which not only allows you to get an idea of ​​the quality of the offer. product or service. but also uses the principles of conformity. thailand telegram  the tendency of people to change their opinions under the influence of others. The greatest trust is caus. by customer reviews with real names. photos. and also supplement. with rating stars. The highest level of skill is placing a link to the source of reviews on the site with the ability for the user to go and read the real review on a platform independent of the site. Video reviews are of additional value. 

Why does this trigger work?

People tend to trust the opinions of others. The more reviews. the more likely users are to find something similar to their case. 

To implement reviews on your website or landing page. add widgets of review services (such as Yandex. 2GIS. and others) to the landing page or product pages. Request and post reviews on the website from customers satisfi. with the product and service. 


Trust badges and security certificates

Use of SSL (Secure Socket Layer). “Honest Brand” or “manufactur. according to GOST” icons. as well as icons of banks and payment systems through which payments are made. and even large social networks where the company has accounts. 

Security certificates. logos of well-known payment systems and banks demonstrate that the site is reliably protect.. The perception of the image of a  cameroon business directory large and serious bank brand. payment system begins to spread to the site and landing page where they are plac.. helping to build trust in the new company. To achieve maximum effect. it is desirable to place logos or signs. elements confirming the safety and certification of products in a visible area. next to the payment form or in the footer of the site.

Warranties and return policy

Placing a “100% money back” or “Free returns within … days” guarantee eliminates the fear of loss and helps customers make a purchasing decision. To implement this trust trigger. include your return policy on the product page and in the shopping cart.


Social proof

Mentioning the number of customers using the product (“1 million users worldwide”). A large number of users or customers who have already made a choice creates the impression that the product or service is popular and trustworthy. To increase trust. not only phrases with specific numbers showing the number of customers are us.. but also formulations that refer the user to the awareness of the fact of a mass purchase of a product or choice of a service: “buy with this product”. “buy together”. “buyers also choose”. etc. 

To implement this technique. place statistics on the number of clients or transactions on the main page or in the “About Us” section.

Transparent information about the company

This is about the availability of contact information. office address. and information document your strategy  about the team. Transparency builds trust. allowing customers to feel that there is a real company behind the site. To implement the information transparency trigger. add a . Contacts” or. About the company. “Section with detail. information. place a contact phone number in the site header. In some cases. the office address can be plac. in the site header. 

To build greater trust in  the brand. Iis advisable to supplement information about the company with.  photographs of the business process. office. Representatives and a general group photo of the team or an interactive. Map with addresses.


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